[clustervisor-announce] ClusterVisor 0.5.43 released

ClusterVisor Announcements clustervisor-announce at lists.advancedclustering.com
Tue Sep 21 14:05:21 CDT 2021

New features:

   - Added cv-statsadm to help view the size, and manage the stats admin
   database (see cv-statsadm --help for details)
   - Added yumrepo_server and cv-yumrepod - have ClusterVisor manage and
   serve a custom YUM package repository on any node in the cluster.  Enable
   the plugin and point it to a path where you’d like to drop RPM files.  The
   cv-yumrepod daemon will monitor the path and keep the repository up and
   - Added yumrepo plugin: can be used to manage custom yum repositories on
   nodes.  Works in conjunction with yumrepo_server, but also supports
   managing arbitrary yum repositories on nodes.


   - Better support other linux distros in the future like Rocky or Alma
   - Add ‘bind-interfaces’ option to dnsmasq to prevent issues if libvirt
   is running dnsmasq as well
   - Fix an issue with missing stats on new nodes that are not running
   cv-clientd yet
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