[clustervisor-announce] ClusterVisor 1.23.12-3195 Released

ClusterVisor Announcements clustervisor-announce at lists.advancedclustering.com
Wed Dec 6 11:18:43 CST 2023

This is the first December release of ClusterVisor and includes mostly a
series of bug fixes and quality of life improvements. A bug fix of note is
that in EL 9.3 there is a change to the cockpit package that may result in
the login page to the ClusterVisor web interface no longer working, which
is fixed by this release.

Release Notes:

   - Setting the node status to "Temporarily Inactive" ceases new alerts,
   and "Permanently Inactive" will also clear all alerts from the node
   - Fixes a bug in the firmware stat plugin occasionally timing out
   - Fixed inconsistencies in clearing change queue alerts
   - Adding --keep-repo to cv-serverd to prevent overwriting the
   ClusterVisor repo file for offline installs
   - Fixed an edge case bug that sometimes locked cv-clientd during the
   first run after initial installation
   - Added SuspendTimeout field to slurmserver config plugin
   - Fixed bug with yumrepo_server config plugin during appliance
   - Fixed bug in ldapauth config plugin not detecting external LDAP
   configuration fields
   - Fixed bug in behavior of cv-cloner new-image
   - Fixed bug in the smallest/largest functions used by the stat
   expression builder
   - Added cleanup for orphaned backup temporary directories by cv-db-image
   - Updated EL9 repo for 389ds dependency
   - Added aggregate GPU stats for nvidia stat plugin
   - Fixed deadlock bug in stat querying
   - Fixed bug in stat querying when stat devices had spaces in their name
   - Added no password support in sudoers config plugin
   - Updated help text for cv-write-stat
   - Fixed bug in serial console config plugin
   - Fixed email subject prefix field to be utilized when issuing emails
   - Fixed several typos in logging / help text / schema descriptions
   - Fixes bug in new cockpit in EL 9.3 after upgrade

If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns about any of these changes
or something you think should be added please reach out to us at
support at advancedclustering.com
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