[clustervisor-announce] ClusterVisor 1.24.x Released!

ClusterVisor Announcements clustervisor-announce at lists.advancedclustering.com
Tue Feb 20 18:43:40 CST 2024

We are excited to announce the 1.24.02 release of ClusterVisor. This is our
biggest upgrade to date with over 800 code commits and nearly 50,000 lines
of code changed. This release includes the new features we showcased at
SC23 including LogVisor AI, a reimagined web interface, role-based access
control, end-user facing components, a new upgrade tool, and much more. A
walkthrough of the new release can be found in our webinar:

Any existing ClusterVisor installations on 1.23.x can upgrade to 1.24.x,
but will require a new license file to be generated first. This will be
provided at no additional cost and can be requested by contacting
support at advancedclustering.com

For any ClusterVisor installation still on 0.x, there will still need to be
a migration step from 0.x to 1.x to convert the cluster data to a format
that the 1.x release can read. We have tools available to assist with this
and Advanced Clustering Technologies will provide help with this at no
additional cost. To get started please contact
support at advancedclustering.com

For any diskless clusters, that configuration has been deprecated for our
new stateless configuration that provides more stability and ease of
maintenance. Any cluster using the diskless configuration will require an
additional migration step if upgrading to 1.24.x, which Advanced Clustering
Technologies will assist with at no additional cost. Same as the other
inquiries, this process can be started by contacting
support at advancedclustering.com

Aside from the disclaimers listed above, the upgrade process can be
facilitated by running the following on the appliance (or the head node if
using a cluster without an appliance):

# systemctl stop cv-serverd cv-external-statsd cv-statsd cv-clientd

# dnf upgrade clustervisor

# systemctl start cv-serverd

# systemctl start cv-external-statsd

# systemctl start cv-statsd

# systemctl start cv-clientd

# cv-upgrade (or login to the web UI and choose “ClusterVisor Config” >
“Software Upgrade”)

After the upgrade from 1.23.x to 1.24.x, all future upgrades can be done by
simply running the `cv-upgrade` tool on its own.

The full list of release notes for 1.24.02 can be found below:


   Added support for minor migrations between non-major point releases

   Added integration with LogVisor AI

   Diskless configuration has been deprecated for Stateless configuration,
   provides more stability and ease of use (this will require a migration step
   for any existing diskless clusters to the new stateless setup)

   Added Netgear smart switch and APC inrow A/C unit support to SNMP
   external stats

   Added blacklist_oids to SNMP schemas to handle potentially problematic

   Added a new "storage" role to cv-image

   Renamed 'acknowledge' to 'silence' for alerts

   Alerts can now be silenced for only a period of time before
   automatically resuming

   Fixed bug in stat querying that made it appear like data was
   flapping/missing near the end of the day

   Fixed bug that caused config plugins not to run when first node in a
   section was set to inactive but the rest were not

   Redesigned command line interface for cv-alerts to be more featureful
   and interactive

   Reorganized configurations to be near what they are configuring in the
   web interface

   New card design in Nodes and Devices page in web interface for
   at-a-glance server management

   Role-based access control to determine which set of users/groups can
   view which pages / components in ClusterVisor

   File Manager added to the web interface for optional file navigation and
   access via the browser

   VNC Console in the browser moved out of beta, along with support for
   accessing IPMI web interfaces

   Internal links can be optionally added to the Links menu in the sidebar

   Daemon status page added to the web interface for managing the services
   used by ClusterVisor across the cluster

   A new script widget has been added to the Dashboard in the web interface

   Added a button to get the next UID / GID for users / groups if using the
   built-in user management

   Improved licensing system that integrates with web interface and
   alerting system

   Added cv-upgrade to streamline upgrading process for future releases of

   Changed cv-serverd and cv-clientd systemd units to use the notify type
   to now signal they are ready once they are fully initialized (making them
   now useful as unit dependencies)

   Extended the DHCP / DNS server config plugin with more controls over DNS
   records it issues

   Several other bug fixes and enhancements across web interface and tools
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