[clustervisor-announce] ClusterVisor 1.23.08-2584 Released

ClusterVisor Announcements clustervisor-announce at lists.advancedclustering.com
Tue Aug 15 12:15:09 CDT 2023

This is the first August release of ClusterVisor and includes two new major
features: External Stats and Stateless Image support. For more details on
the new features, see here:

Release Notes:

   - Added cv-health for monitoring health of ClusterVisor
   - Renamed cv-monitoring to cv-alerts, now handles all alerts in
   - Failed configuration commits will now cease attempting to re-contact
   nodes after 24 hours of no response
   - Added cv-external-statsd to run external stats not run on the nodes
   - Added support for SNMP and Slurm stats through new external stats
   - Added cv-write-stat to manually push custom external stats to the
   - Added support for stateless image creation
   - Fixed minor bugs in cv-migrate
   - Fixed bug in behavior of slurmserver config plugin when nodes are set
   as temporarily inactive
   - cv-image now supports org ID / activation key for RHEL images
   - Switched multi and single mode in cv-stats back to previous default
   behavior and added raw mode
   - Added optional user template for emails sent from alerts loop
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